Monday, February 22, 2010

Discouraged Monday

I am very discouraged today and finding it rather difficult to sit in my seat. In an attempt to make the day go faster I've been prancing around online checking out photographers. Is it possible that you can see too much of other peoples work? I now feel like I have no shot at my dreams. I mean, these people are amazing! The clarity and color and composition of each and every one of them...beautiful! How on earth can I even hope to compare?

I'm looking forward to this evening as it will bring some Rockchalk action my way. woop-woop! And just as I hoped blogging is making the day a little better. Blogging = Happiness

Here are a few random pictures from around my apartment. I find lots of truth in my photography journal today...Design is Impatient. Yes it is. Love you all!

Friday, February 19, 2010

it's never too late to spread the Love

So, I know vday has come and gone but I thought I'd dedicate a post to it anyway. I'm not a huge fan of vday. While I Love the sentiment I think it's little silly. 'Love me more on this day' Why? Why not Love me more and more everyday? I do Love taking red and pink and white construction paper and making my own valentine's...that is probably my favorite. That along with decorating sugar cookies. Mmm...Love me some sugar cookies.

This vday season was exceptionally full of the Love. Love each other, Love your neighbor, Love those who don't get enough Love from others. As community service my work friends and I made vday cookies and cards with the kids at Synergy to give to the Ronald McDonald House. This was such a great way to spread the Love. And I felt the Love in return. (Partially because my Love gave up his time to come along and spread some vday joy. Have I ever mentioned that my Love is wonderful? Well he is.) Mmm...Love me long time.

On the actual vday my Love and I had a wonderful day of goal setting, cozy couch time, cooking, and wine. I couldn't help but grab my camera and snap a few shots. I totally recommend Cupcake Vineyard. This was the first time I tried it and I have to admit that I chose it partially because of the pretty label (the way I choose most wines). It exceeded my expectations though. It was smooth and full of flavor. Mmm...Love me some wine.

So, I may change my opinion of vday. Especially if vdays to come can all be this Lovely...

Below are a few pics...enjoy!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Winter, winter go away

I am abnormally happy and optimistic today. Not that I am usually a grumpy pessimist, but I keep laughing out loud at nothing at all and it feels real good. Remind me of summer...oh how I miss summer. I love those moments when you just want to take a step back and freeze time. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from last summer when I did just that. These are my favorite because they encompass some of my favorite, friends, and photography. Hopefully they make you feel a little warmer just like they did me.

This shoot was such a fun afternoon. I sat the timer on camera and ran back and forth in the sand probably 50 times and we laughed the entire time. I love my family to pieces!
I may not be related to everyone is this one but they sure do feel like family. This is the camping our finest!

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Starting the morning off right

I'm not a huge fan. I mean, add a splash of champagne and I'll rarely say no. But, ordinarily orange juice is not my morning beverage of choice. I'm more of a coffee and milk kind of gal. But this morning this was in the kitchen. Odwalla. Ingredients: Orange Juice. That's it! This stuff is pure and oh boy is it good. Just the right amount of pulp and sweetness. Mmm...I highly recommend trying it. Your morning will thank you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's a work of art...and it's all yours

You love it...every part of it. The sleek lines, the smooth paint, the shiny chrome and the aromatic leather. It's your pride and joy. It's where you spend your weekends...and weekdays. It takes time away from your work and eats a hole in your pocketbook. But still, you wouldn't trade it for anything. It's your car and if you look close you can see yourself not only in the paint, but in the wheels, grill, and steering wheel. You are everywhere in this vehicle and somewhere along the way it surpassed being 'just a car'...and it is now, a masterpiece.

I did this collage for my good friend David. I really love documenting the things people are passionate about. Taking their art and making art of my own. If you have any suggestions or something you adore that you'd like documented let me know...I'd be happy to.

Colby, Colby, Colby...

So I woke up this morning and Colby was looking at me with his sad eyes. He brings out the sad eyes when he wants something. Dinner, a treat, his belly scratched, a hug, me to stay home from work and play...lots of stuff. He knows that his sad eyes will get him almost anything. But today it was something new. He wanted me to post a few pics from his recent photo shoot on my blog. I was all, "Heck yes I will! " So, without further ado...Mr. Colby Bichsel.

Colby is a very contemplative dog...he spends a lot of time in deep thought.

Oh yes, the sad face again. Don't worry, shortly after our photo session we went for a walk.


My personal favorite.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Is there a copyright on blogs? Does anyone know? I would like to blog about another blog. Is that legal in this cyber world? Seriously, I'm new here so I don't know the rules. What do you do when you don't know the rules? You do it now and ask questions later I guess.

I wanted to share this little clip...Lemonade the Movie. It's it and feel the inspiration boil up inside you.

Love to you all this Monday morning!

Friday, February 5, 2010

She's gonna have a baby!!!

It was last Sunday that it hit me, like a ton of bricks, right upside the head. I've photographed her, thrown her a shower, painted her nursery, and felt Baby D kick, but it still didn't register until now. "My big sister is gonna have a baby!" I proclaimed to Mom on the phone. "Can you believe it?!" Mom laughed and agreed how quickly time flies. Not only the past 9 months but life in general. Baby D could arrive any day now...Devin's gonna have a baby! I keep saying the phrase over and over to myself. Devin has always been the brave one. I like to think she got a little bit of it from me since I was always the one that had to check and make sure Santa wasn't still in our living room on Christmas morning. (the risk of being seen and all your presents taken back to the north pole. Oh yeah, I was a brave little girl...ha!) But Devin, she's superwoman compared to me. I guess some of it comes with being the oldest but she's totally held her own. First to try out for the cheerleading squad, first to go off to college, first to get married, and now first to have a baby. I'm inspired and amazed by her every day of my life and although I kid about me instigating bravery in her, I know that she is the source of all my bravery. I feel so blessed to have had her to look up to all these years. Her beauty, grace, love, laugh, and spirit exemplify who she is and soon she'll be sharing all that will a lucky little babe. Any day now...she's gonna have a baby!

Here are just a few of my favorite shots of Devin and Baby D...

Deep down she a country girl and she's got her blue jeans on...

Don't you just adore her round belly? I look at it and I giggle.

This one was Devin's idea and it's wonderful.

Hello Miss Sass...are you sure you've never modeled?

Gotta love that smile.

Devin, you are gorgeous...end of statement.

...and because it wouldn't be complete without a little bit of pop culture. This is definitely one of my favorites.

Happy Friday!